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(915) 808-5366​

At Eco Ride, we put our clients first. As part of our ongoing commitment to provide clients with exceptional service, we’re here to answer all your questions. See what some of our users’ most frequently asked questions are and get the answers you’re looking for today! If you’ve still got a question for us, feel free to get in touch and we’ll happily answer any inquiry.
WHAT IS VANPOOL / VANPOOLING?Vanpool is a form of ride sharing in which a a group of people (approx. 7-15 people) sharing their commute to work in an approved vanpool vehicle.​
WHAT IS THE BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CARPOOL AND VANPOOL?Vanpool qualifies for tax free benefits that can be provided by your employer cutting your daily out of pocket commute cost.
DO I HAVE TO USE MY OWN VEHICLE TO VANPOOL?ECO RIDE provides a modern SUV/VAN depending on the size of the group. The vehicle is driven by an approved driver from the vanpool group.
WHO COVERS THE COST FOR THE VANPOOL VEHICLE?The cost of the vanpool vehicle is shared by members of the vanpool group. Employers often offer commuter benefits that subsidize the cost.
WOULD I HAVE TO PROVIDE MY OWN INSURANCE?Insurance is covered by Eco Ride.
ARE MAINTENANCES AND SERVICES INCLUDED WITH THE VEHICLE?Maintenance and services are included with the vehicle. Clients will be held liable if any services or repairs were caused due to negligence.
AM I ALLOWED TO ADD A SECONDARY DRIVER?Yes. It is possible to add an alternate driver.
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